Saturday, September 10, 2022

On the Road

I did a lot of driving this week.  In fact, on one day I earned $191.00 so I am feeling pretty impressed with myself.  That being said I had several interesting experiences that were first time occurrences in my short driving career. 

OOPS!  I have been driving long enough that I often go to the same facilities to take someone to or pick someone up from.  The last ride of my day brought some delight when I found out that the person I would be picking up lived about 40 miles away (which meant I was going to make some good money!)  I always call before I get to the place to let the people know when I will arrive and the color and make of my car.  When I arrived on sight. no one was outside. but after a few minutes people started coming out.  I unlocked my door and rolled down my window so I could make sure I picked up the right person.  Out comes a man who walked directly to my car, opens the back door and climbs in.  I said, are you ? (His name) and he replied yes with a smile on his face.  I told him welcome and then gave him the address of his destination and asked if that was also right.  Again he smiled and said yes.  So off I go.  We had driven about 10 minutes when my phone rang.  When I answered it, a member of the facility staff asked if I was driving anyone.  I said yes, repeated his name, and then she asked if he had on a red shirt.  He did.  She then said that is not ….. So at the next exit off the freeway I headed back to the facility with this two-word passenger.  When I got back, he opened the door, I said goodbye and he walked back into the building.  Sadly, another ride had been ordered for my correct passenger and I made no money off of that trip.  From now on the door stays locked until the passenger tells me their name. 

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