Saturday, March 28, 2015

To My Granddaughters

Dear Rachel, Margaret, Katie, Miriam, Ruth, Abby, Jane, Ava, and Eden!
Tonight I watched the Women's Broadcast and, as I listened, I so often thought of each of you.  Because my heart is so full I wanted to tell all of you how proud I am of you.  I don't know what the future will bring and what path each of you may take, but I feel so confident in your abilities to seek out righteousness that I am comforted.  You have each been blessed with amazing women to be your mothers.  You will never have better examples than what you experienced in your own homes.  Take the good that they have offered, forgive them for the weaknesses that they have struggled with, and remember that their love for you is never ending.  The world would have you believe that you only can achieve success if you leave home to make your mark on the world.  Not true!  Each of you have a mother who could do anything they set their minds to but fortunately they chose the better part.  Never forget that.  Some day I hope you will be able to tell your mother just what a gift you received from her, because my dear granddaughters she gave you her life.

Love you forever, Grandma