Sunday, February 7, 2016

Missionary Moments #75--Feb 7, 2016

 It has been a great week for us because we have loads of work to do and have kept very busy.  In the middle of that we had a snow storm that left about 8 inches of snow to be maneuvered around.  Now that it is February I have begun a serious effort to work on our to-do list that I made in preparation for going home.  Our oven is now sparkling and is closed for business until the next tenants occupy this apartment.  I spent time on Pinterest to find out how to clean a stainless steel sink and leave it shining which was just a dry run because we definitely will use that again! It worked so well I keep going in and admiring it!  It has become necessary to decide what will go and what will be left behind.  One of the Sister missionaries in the Canterbury Ward is going home on Tuesday and so we offered to take some things she boxed up to the post office to be mailed home.  I plan on doing that as well just because I am not sure how much I can actually get into the back of our Edge.  We have certainly accumulated more "stuff" since we first arrived.

Another treat for both of us was to take our Elders and Sisters out to dinner.  On my birthday we went to Five Guys Burgers with the Sisters and had a great time visiting with them.  Before we left they asked if they could leave a message with us that they have been preparing on the Restoration.  We were delighted to be taught and they proceeded to share the wonderful truth of Heavenly Father's love for us which lead into the story of Joseph Smith's first vision.  As we listened I realized all around us were people eating dinner and visiting with their friends and family and in the middle of that one of the most powerful messages was being shared with us. The Spirit was so strong and I had to keep from shouting,  "hey people!, do you want to hear a message that will change your life!?"  Don't worry I didn't.  On Friday night we had dinner with the Elders which is always a fun experience because Elder Sanders has a very dry sense of humor and Elder Larsen is never sure if he is serious so we get to enjoy the surprised expressions that are often on his face.  Two nights of spending time with these young missionaries is an absolute tonic to any worries that we might have.

Yesterday we headed to Nashua to the Costco where we replaced two tires on our car in preparation for crossing the United States one more time. While there we visited with a lovely young woman who came here from India to go to school in Boston where she earned her Master's degree and is now living and working in Massachusetts while she waits for legal status to be able to remain in the United States.  She hasn't seen her parents since she left four years ago and can't go home until all of the immigration paperwork is approved so she is missing her mother.  I feel silly feeling bad that we haven't seen our family for a year and a half.  

This was a busy week in politics as candidate after candidate was visiting throughout New Hampshire to present their message of why they should receive the vote of New Hampshirites.  We haven't seen anyone although I believe everyone of the Republican and Democratic candidates have spent time here in Concord.  The closest I came to a spotting was at my Burger King that I visit each day for my diet coke.  I don't know who was inside but there was definitely security surrounding a big black SUV parked in front.   I will be glad when the voting is over and they move down to South Carolina.  It is interesting that life continues to go on no matter what is happening throughout the world.  We are grateful to be part of such a great cause with continual tender mercies that make everything better.  We have loved being here and I can honestly say we are sad to know we must pack it all up and say good-bye.  What a blessing to be a missionary! 

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