Friday, January 1, 2021

Blessing #27 of 30

 I hope that you  realize that in one day I could have written in minutes the 30 blessings I have had and for which I am so grateful for.  But I wanted to expand my wonderful blessings by really putting some thought into everything that is so important to me.  That being said, I have saved the last four blessings in my life for the last.  Because as you should know you often save the best for last.   I have been so blessed to have the parents I was given.  They both were amazing people in their own right.  They both were hard workers and in spite of difficult situations they never quit trying to achieve great things for our family.  I personally and humbly believe they did amazing things with the gifts they were given.  I am often in awe when I think of our family joining the church.  If you knew your great granddad you would have known that he was very stubborn and he never accepted anything on face value.  He questioned and quarreled about almost everything.  In spite of that for a brief period of time he humbled himself.  He listened, he learned, he studied, and he lead our family to become members of the church.  And sweet mom went along with him in every way.  His conversion in itself is a miracle and I have to admit that many times in my prayers I express gratitude to both of them for leading us to the gospel that changed all of our lives.  My mother was such a friendly person and extremely patient with my dad.  She loved unconditionally and forgave continually her stubborn companion and as he grew older I think he came to realize that he had truly found an often undeserved treasure in his wife.  Marriage is not easy.  Learning to adjust to each other and their needs can be challenging.  There are ups and downs.  Disappointments and happiness that I don't believe can be found in any other relationships.  But I believe that my parents adored each other and adjusted as needed to give us a nice home and encouraged us to have hopes and dreams that would help us to each be better people.  What a great blessing I was given when I was born into their home and became a part of their hearts.  I love you both--and thank you!

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