Thursday, May 21, 2015

Grandkids Gifts--Perry

Scott Perry Duncan
I talked to Angela today and she told me that Perry had fixed her washing machine.  It hadn't been fixed yet because the repairman said that it needed to have the electrical panel replaced (or something like that) and it was going to be a pretty hefty bill.  Perry convinced his mom to let him have a look at it.  In no time Perry solved the problem with a $30.00 purchase of a tool and the machine is working wonderfully. He is amazing.  If you have a problem Perry is the definite go-to guy.  His range of ability is truly a wonderful gift and he is one of the most generous people when it comes to helping others. We never leave our young missionaries that they don't ask "Is there anything we can do for you?"  When Perry starts asking that question as he serves as a missionary he is going to be an amazing help. Besides the fact that he is extremely gifted in fixing things he is always willing to do anything he can to help others.  No matter what our gifts and talents are do we take the time to help others.  I hope so because we have a responsibility to increase our talents--not to hide them.  Good job grandson.  We are very proud of you.

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