Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Quilting Lesson #3

One of the hardest things for me in my quilting is how to pick the right colors.  I'm working on a quilt right now and after I cut all of the pieces and started to put it together I wasn't happy with some of the color choices I had made.  That means I will be taking Grandpa with me to Hobby Hobby so I can search for just the right green and grey to make the quilt look right.   Now grandchildren you may wonder how I am going to make an analogy for each of you out of picking the right color--but I can.  In your life there are going to be numerous choices you have to make.  Some will not be monumental but others will be life changing and you need to spend a great deal of time putting the pieces of your life together so your end result is what you had hoped it would be.  Choose your friends wisely.  If the people you associate with have goals that are not moving in the upward direction that you need in your life it is time to adjust.  Don't kick 'em to the curve but if you can't raise them to a higher standard then keep looking for those who want as much in life as you do.   Alter your choices when you realize that what you thought you wanted isn't the case.  I never worry about what you plan to become or do as you get older.  You are all very smart!  If you change your college major or a plan you made for your life I am awed by your wisdom and know that you put much thought into your decisions.  Ultimately each of you have to design a life that works best for you and eventually for the families you will have.  So move forward in life.  Be bold, courage, and dedicated to picking the right colors so you will be proud of your finished product. 

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