Thursday, June 13, 2019

Quilting Lesson #5

Good news--this is my final lesson!  Watch out for the pins!  I have learned so much about how to machine quilt and I am proud of say that each quilt I have done since I began this project has gotten better.  I still have a lot to learn about picking colors but overall I have been pretty proud of how they are turning out.  The first thing I started doing after reading tips and tutorials was to use lots of pins!  That has good and bad results.  The good is that the quilt stays in place so it doesn't pucker when you sew and the end result is a really nice smooth looking quilt.  The disadvantage is that I am continually getting stuck with pins and it hurts!  Here is my lesson for each of you sweet grandchildren.  When you encounter trials in your life those are like the pins in my quilts.  There is a purpose for them and when they stick you, how you react to them can make a significant difference in your life.  I try to be very careful as I begin to sew the quilt so I don't get stuck but haven't managed to avoid it yet.  But you know what, it makes me more careful and aware of what I'm doing.  Those challenges each of you will encounter are the pins that will help you be safer, stronger, more focused, and wiser.  They are important and a life without any will stunt the growth you each must have to become all that you can be.  So watch out for pins but be grateful they are in your life so you can be your best! 

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