Friday, March 15, 2019

Caregiver Tip

#17 Ministering Angels
I have hesitated writing about this because the sacredness of the subject is something that I want to recognize but realize that each person is individual in their course of the disease.  That being said, I have asked myself so many times; How do people who don't believe in God ever handle all that is required when your loved one has Alzheimer's disease.  I do know that I have a loving Heavenly Father and a Savior, Jesus Christ who knows me, listens to my pleas, and answers my prayers in many different ways.  The most significant experiences I have had involved your grandpa in the quiet of the night.  In the Book of Mormon, 2nd Nephi 4:23 it says, "Behold, he hath heard my cry by day, and he hath given me knowledge by visions in the nighttime."  I believe that your Grandpa is being taught by ministering angels.  It started several months ago.  He goes to bed around 6:30 and I usually head to bed at about 11 p.m.  One night at I got to the bedroom door I heard your grandpa singing a hymn.  When I quietly opened the door the singing stopped.  A short while after I settled into bed he had a conversation.  In it he said, "I had never thought of that"  "I see."  This has become a very typical thing and I have listened quietly because I know that he is talking to someone.  One night after I had fallen asleep I was woken by Grandpa.  He was loudly humming "Oh Thou Fount of Every Blessing."

Come, Thou Fount of every blessing
Tune my heart to sing Thy grace
Streams of mercy, never ceasing
Call for songs of loudest praise
Teach me some melodious sonnet
Sung by flaming tongues above
Praise the mount, I'm fixed upon it
Mount of Thy redeeming love...

It lasted a brief few seconds but it was so wonderful to hear.  During this time he has begun to talk about his father a lot.  I can't say that they were ever particularly close, but lately he has told me on a number of occasions things about his dad.  He asked me once where his dad was.  I told him that he had died a number of years ago and he was so surprised by that.  I had mentioned to your great Aunt Bev about grandpas conversations and she said I should use my phone and record what he says.  But I realized that it wasn't important to record what he is saying, but remember what I feel when I hear his sweet words.  He is being schooled and comforted and I have the privilege of knowing that.

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