Monday, March 25, 2019

Caregiver Tip

#20  It's okay to laugh
I have to admit that sometimes Grandpa cracks me up!  He is totally unaware of what has made me laugh and at times I have to be careful because he doesn't always like it when I do.  What he can't understand is that I'm not laughing at him--I am laughing for him.  President Hinckley once said, "Go forward in life with a twinkle in your eye and a smile on your face, but with great and strong purpose in your heart."  I have come to understand how important his words are.  There are so many moments in the last few years that have reminded me that in spite of the challenges, grief, and worry there are often moments of clarity which remind me why I am doing it and how important it is for Grandpa.  That purpose makes everything more doable.

In the 90's a book was published call Don't Sweat the Small Stuff."  That was everyone's comment when things seemed a little overwhelming.  Many of the struggles that we deal with for Grandpa are small stuff and I want to try and focus on the amazing moments that make me remember when Grandpa would laugh or made me laugh.  Yesterday when we got to the Church parking lot he got so excited that we were at Church.  I said to him, "You are right, but remember that you have to use a quiet voice so we don't disrupt those sitting near us."  He looked at me and said; "I know, I know, I have to be as quiet as a...BEE!"  Mouse, bee--close enough.  I laughed and said that's right!  Last week I needed to get one thing at Hobby Lobby and I did what I often do when I go into a store with Grandpa.  I don't browse, or shop, I "grab and go!"  We went down the first aisle looking for the item I needed and he told me, "Elaine, Elaine, I have a problem."  I turned around just in time to see his pants go down!  Fortunately only the camera in the store witnessed the flasher!  I quickly pulled his pants up, grabbed the item we needed and checked out.  Now you have to admit that is funny.  I think I can admit now that Grandpa's Depends are a life saver.  He doesn't know how to use the toilet when he has big business (I'm sure you get my drift) and I often have to go around the bathroom picking up some droppings that escaped.  When that is happening he says over and over, "Elaine, Elaine, this is awful."  I always laugh because he is so serious.  I want to turn around and say to him;  "You're right! But instead I just say, it's okay we got this.  I could share many times that I have cracked up but you probably get what I am trying to say.

On Pinterest I loved this reminder.  'You don't stop laughing because you grow old!  You grow old because you stop laughing."   Grandpa doesn't get the often subtle nuance of humor and often laughs at inappropriate times but it still makes me smile when he does.

Grandkids be sure to look for the humor in each situation and laugh when you can!

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