Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Caregiver Tip

#13  Do something
Being a caregiver to Grandpa has helped me understand this quote.  "Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain."  Coping with the decrease in his daily functions has been painful to watch and for me keeping busy is very therapeutic.  In some ways I have come to see that my "busyness" gives Grandpa some sense of order which he needs.  In difficult times in your life the last thing you should ever do is shut down.  That is when you have to get up and get busy.  I keep a daily to-do list that I follow.  It helps me remember but also gives me a sense of purpose.  I have said before that when I see something that I can do around the house I get excited.  I have been amazed and a little proud of what I have accomplished since Grandpa's diagnosis.  I have organized the family history, indexed and reviewed hundreds of records, kept the grandkids scrapbooks updated, made a wedding scrapbook for Rachel.  I put together a family holiday recipe book, and I continually  try new recipes.  Ruth reminded me the other day that I wanted to be a cookie baking grandma but I have become cupcake baking grandma.  I have decorated and redecorated our house so it calls  out, "Welcome Home!"  I have helped Ruth and Jane redecorate their bedroom.  The list goes on and keeps growing--and so do I.

 Heber J. Grant said; "The true way to be happy is to do something to add to others happiness."   I am not really able to get out and physically help others right now.  But I am learning that being kind to the person who gives us our food out the fast food window reaps wonderful blessings.  It has been amazing to see that when we go back they remember us.  Telling a mother her baby is beautiful or saying "you are doing a great job," or "I love your dress" takes just a second.  There are so many things we can do to serve others that requires very little time but provides someone with a sense of accomplishment that is often overlooked.  Giving Grandpa a sense of purpose is also something I can do.  I ask him to help me carry things or hold the door.  I praise him when he buttons his shirt or tries to tie his shoes.  I think whoever said "if you are going to be something--be kind" hit the nail on the head.

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