Sunday, November 22, 2020

Blessing #12 of 30

I am grateful that I live in a country where we have a voice in the selection of the leaders of our country.  I consider it a great blessings that we have Presidents who direct our country's future even when there are times I don't like the direction that we are going.  For the past three weeks I have immensely enjoyed a documentary done by Ken Burns about the legacy of the Roosevelts.  When I was born Herbert Hoover was the president of the United States.   Grandpa and I have had the opportunity to visit the Presidential Libraries for Ronald Reagan, Richard Nixon, Dwight Eisenhower, Herbert Hoover, John F Kennedy and Franklin Roosevelt.  We would have visited the Gerald Ford's library but when we got there on our way home from our mission it was closed because of a bad snowstorm.  I hope that I will complete my bucket list of visits and go to the Bush Libraries, and eventually Donald Trumps.  The others--not interested.  In my lifetime as a voter I have voted as a democrat and as a republican.  Grandpa and I both changed our party affiliation at the end of Bill Clinton's presidency.  Never been sorry I did!  I have my favorite and least favorite list.  One of the things you come to realize as you study history that many of the people that we admired and voted for were morally weak human beings.  In spite of that many good things were accomplished under their watch.  Of the president that I actually voted for was Jimmy Carter (but only once because I thought he did a terrible job) and then I voted for Ronald Reagan (although I was a Democrat at the time).  I voted for Bill Clinton and since that time I have voted for Republican candidates.  Just for my opportunity to share I'd like to tell you the Presidents who I thought have been the best and the worst.  Best: Ronald Reagan, Donald Trump.  Worst: Jimmy Carter, Barack Obama.   One of the historians about the Roosevelts said something that I thought was very interesting and true.  He said of presidents.  "They kept a process going despite their shortfalls and they kept alive the possibilities of progress.  Each in their own way changed the world."  I love and feel truly grateful that I get to vote each four years for President of the United States.  I didn't vote for Biden and truly feel that he doesn't have the mental capacity to do the job, but in spite of that,  I will pray that he will be blessed and protected as he serves as the head of this great country.

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